Data privacy

By using our website, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy. If you do not wish for your information to be used in the manner described below, it is not recommended to use this site. As part of the European regulation (GDPR), we inform you of your rights and the use of your personal data. If we decide to change or supplement our Privacy Policy, we will publish these changes on this page.

Your rights and protection of your personal data are governed by the Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 since its application on May 25, 2018. It is not necessary to provide us with personal data to consult this website. However, certain services such as price requests or newsletters may require you to register or fill out identification forms, or by using some services like WhatsApp, you may need to communicate or share information about yourself.

By using this site, you agree and accept that we may collect, process, store and/or use the personal data submitted, in accordance with the law. You retain the right to rectify, forget and/or delete your personal data. You can exercise this right by sending an email to or a letter to NADPIS Stickersgreen- Nadpis Ltd. PO2, The Old Station house, 15a Main Street, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94T8P8. In compliance with GDPR, we do not disclose the contact details we have, all professional as they may be, to a third party, but rather use them in accordance with the purpose of these terms.

For price request forms and newsletter subscriptions, we process your personal data based on the consent you give during registration. The main objective of collecting personal data is to offer you a safe, optimal, efficient, and personalized experience. For this purpose, you agree that this data may be used to:

  • provide you with prices for the products requested, send you our best offers,
  • or information via our newsletter,
  • facilitate the operation of services,
  • inform you,
  • prevent, detect, and investigate potentially prohibited and illegal activities.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party sites or applications where we cannot control activities or data exchanged, such as when sharing content on social networks. It is recommended to read the privacy policies of these sites or applications before use.

This message states that certain personal data is automatically collected when visiting this website through your browser. The website uses Google Kit Site, a website traffic analysis service provided by Google, to regularly analyze and improve the website. This service uses “cookies”, text files stored on your computer that allow the website to analyze its usage.

The personal data collected includes digital identifiers, including cookies, internet protocol addresses and device identifiers, as well as client identifiers. The message further informs that you can prevent cookie storage by adjusting your browser settings.

A cookie is an element that does not allow the User to be identified but is used to record information related to their navigation on the Internet site. The user is informed that, during their visits to the site, they are asked whether or not to accept the installation of cookies on their browsing software. The user can also disable these cookies through the settings within their browsing software.